Tachyonized Restorative Nerve Preparation OS-H26
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Serving as a restorative to damaged and irritated nerves, the herbs in this compound have a mild sedative action which soothes nervous agitation and excitability.
Tachyonized Restorative Nerve Preparation is a Tachyonized™ blend of liquid extracts:
25% + Skullcap flowering herb (Scutellaria lateriflora)
25% + Oat “milky” seed (Avena sativa)
20% + St. John’s Wort flower and bud (Hypericum perforatum)
15% - Celery whole seed (Apium graveolens)
15% - Lavender flower (Lavandula angustifolia)
+ Fresh - Dried
(contains Grain Alcohol (56-62%) and distilled water)
PLEASE NOTE: We use only Certified Organic and Wildcrafted herbs!
Serving as a restorative to damaged and irritated nerves, the herbs in this compound have a mild sedative action which soothes nervous agitation and excitability.
Specifically indicated for treatment of low or exhausted nerve force commonly referred to as nervous exhaustion. This condition may be a result of prolonged illness or severe stress. As a restorative this compound repairs the vital life force after injury, trauma or shock. It is helpful in treating various nerve disorders such as jittery nerves, restlessness, depression, panic attacks or mental exhaustion. Beneficial when withdrawing from various drug addiction including coffee and tobacco. Indicated in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, and MS as a nerve restorative.
OS-26 comes in 1 oz. (30ml). Using 30 drops per day this bottle will last about 1 month.
Take 10 to 20 drops in water, three to five times per day between meals, with the last dose of the day taken just before bed. For the most beneficial results tonic should be taken for one to six months, depending upon the individual need.
Some of the above conditions can be quite serious. See a qualified healthcare provider or medical doctor for treatment and advice. Do not take this compound during pregnancy except under the advice of your medical doctor or healthcare practitioner.
By incorporating Ultra-Disks into any treatment we quickly balance the natural meridian flow thereby enhancing the entire treatment. Generally, you can use the 15mm Micro or Ultra-Disk for all applications. Locate the Cell Points as described below. Determine which Cell Points are the tenderest. Liberally apply Panther Juice to these points and allow to dry thoroughly. Using Cell-Dotts or surgical tape, adhere the Micro-Disks to the desired point. It is very important to cover the entire spot.
Location: Cell Point A is located on the center of the breastbone, three finger widths up from the base of the bone.
Benefits: Relieves nervousness, anxiety, chest tension, anguish, depression, hysteria and other emotional imbalances.
Location: Cell Point B is located on the inside of the arm, at the lower end of the elbow crease when the arm is bent.
Benefits: Relieves nervous stomach, nausea, anxiety, arm pain, chest discomfort and palpitations.
Location: Cell Point C is located on the inner side of the forearm, two and one-half finger widths from the crease.
Benefits: Relieves anxiety, palpitations and emotional imbalances.
Location: Cell Point D is located one inch below the base of the skull, on each side of the spine.
Benefits: Relieves stress.
Application: Liberally apply Panther Juice to the area and allow to dry completely. Adhere Micro-Disks with Cell-Dotts™.
Duration: Start Cell Point application when you begin using OS-26. Continue wearing the Micro-Disks for two to three days after symptoms have cleared. Reapply at the first sign of imbalance.